
Upcoming Changes


  • Fixed an issue with the image gallery displaying internal data for descriptions.


  • The Audio Player Component now has shuffle and repeat.
  • Uploaded files with whitespace get replaced with dashes eg. this-is-my-file.doc
  • Added new theme "Get Your Hands Dirty".


  • Theme VectorLover now has a one-column layout.

Release History

Version 1.0.8

Release Date: August 4, 2009


  • Fixed a problem with auto-complete in the stock image gallery sometimes not working properly.
  • Uploading a theme without an assets directory no longer causes issues.
  • Better handling of some really bizarre use-cases that were triggering less than friendly errors :)
  • Image order in the lightbox of the Image Gallery Component in random mode will now properly match the page.
  • Fixed twitter breaking when there were no tweets.


  • Site stats show most recent days at the top, and are scrollable to make it easier to read


Version 1.0.7

Release Date: July 27, 2009


  • Fixed an issue with IE7 and Google Maps. Browser no longer freezes when creating a new map.
  • Fixed browsing for youtube videos under IE.
  • Fixed selection issue with the filter in the asset manager.
  • Spam comments in review for over 30 days are now actually deleted.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to delete their default page.
  • Fixed a bug when creating an account with openid when an invalid hostname is provided.
  • Invalid and corrupt images are handled better now (when resizing etc)
  • Fixed handling of timeouts and errors in Twitter Component and Twitter Followers Component.
  • Fixed a bug with adding a flickr image that doesn't specify a default size in the src attribute. They will now default to the Medium size.
  • Flickr Gallery will no longer break when telling it to link to image on flickr and display a photoset.


  • Added ability to modify your websites <head> tag from website settings (will remember head tag changes between theme changes!)
  • Added optional "follow me" link to twitter component.
  • Added new theme "Darkened Dream".
  • Added new theme "Lime Fresh".
  • Added new theme "Rational".
  • Added new theme "New Skinny".
  • Added new theme "Featuring Red".
  • Design services available!
  • Large library of stock photography incorporated to help you build your site (for all paid accounts).
  • Several themes available for customizing the lightbox in the Image Gallery Component and Flickr Gallery Component.
  • Groundwork to link third-party services into your account. (Like Twitter, Bookfresh, etc)
  • New component, Book Fresh Component allows you to easily create online scheduling and appointment booking on your website.
  • New component, Page Counter Component allows you to display how many visits or page views your site has received.
  • New component, Twitter Follower Component allows you to display the icons of people following you, or people you're following.


  • Improved lightbox for Image Gallery Component and Flickr Gallery Component.
  • We now make sure that all websites are set as UTF-8.
  • The page drop-down in the Visual Editor now scrolls when you have a large amount of pages.
  • Sitemaps are now auto-discoverable by search engines, which will help sites get indexed better and quicker.
  • The Twitter Component now requires you to link your account. This will allow us to expose more advanced features for the component in the future. All members are urged to link their accounts so they can take advantage of these features!
  • The Twitter Component includes the "in reply to" link in the component markup. The class to style it is ".tweet_in_reply_to".
  • The Twitter Component includes the client that you tweeted from in the component markup. It's set to 'display: none' by default. The class to style the source client data is ".tweet_source".
  • The Twitter Component now has a div.tweet_metadata wrapper around the date, in reply to, and source data.
  • The tweets in the Twitter Component now update every five minutes.
  • Statistics will be more accurate because bots and spiders will no longer count be calculated into hits/visits. The overall statistics will seem lower, but will be considerably more accurate.
  • The Navigation Component will now add the class "active" to links that point to the current page.

Version 1.0.6

Release Date: June 29th, 2009


  • Fixed CSS navigation issue in PixelGreen with one_column layout
  • Fixed an issue where theme CSS would sometimes override certain Datepicker styles.
  • Fixed validation problems with the weight and amount fields in the Paypal Component.
  • Fixed problem where Insert/Edit Image dialog button in the Visual Editor wasn't working in Internet Explorer 7.
  • The Image toolbar in the Visual Editor is now working with Internet Explorer 8.
  • Fixed alignment of tables in Website statistics with Internet Explorer 8.
  • Fixed alignment of checkboxes in File Manager when a file is selected with Internet Explorer 8.


  • Added new theme "EcoBusiness"
  • You can now create a Donation and Shopping Cart button with the PayPal Component.
  • You can now force an update for a feed if it doesn't seem to be updating properly. This can be done by accessing the feed list for the Feed Component and clicking the refresh icon.
  • Digg Component can now filter by subtopics (eg. Science/Space, instead of just Science).
  • Added referrer tracking to website statistics. You can now see where your visitors are coming from!


  • Broke out a few of the global website settings into an 'Advanced' tab within the 'Website Settings' dialog. (Code highlighting and Sitemap XML)
  • The FriendFeed Component now has service classes on each of its entry elements. This makes the styling of the different service types possible now. (Example: .friendfeed_twitter, .friendfeed_digg, etc)
  • Twitter status messages now automatically link hashtags and users. (Hashtag links are given a class of .reply_link and User links are given a class of .user_link)

Version 1.0.5

Release Date: June 15th, 2009


  • Fixed a problem with modifying external navigation links
  • Notification emails being sent out as plain text when they are actually html will now properly be multipart.
  • Entering an invalid username when browsing to select a Flickr image no longer causes a "Something went wrong" dialog.
  • Flash objects no longer go missing after opening a dialog.
  • Fixed padding of images causing ads to break out of their container on free sites.
  • Fixed a problem of HTML being stripped out of support tickets.
  • Link to blog posts in manager were pointed to the wrong link, they now point to the right one.
  • Fixed a problem where users of Firefox would get a white screen when visiting Viviti for the first time.
  • Fixed problem where the add a feed form in the FeedComponent would break after adding a single feed.



  • Minor reorganization of the My Website and My Content menus to help make things easier to find.
  • Minor changes to blog commenting.
  • Improvements to component dragging.
  • Improvements to the templates in the visual text editor.
  • Spam comments held for review will now be deleted after 30 days automatically.
  • Replaced screen shots on the web site with videos.
  • Improvements to feed updates, and handling of broken feeds.

Version 1.0.4

Release date: June 1st, 2009


  • Fixed a problem with the Youtube Component dialog throwing a Javascript error sometimes.
  • Fixed a problem with the source code editor dialog duplicating forms when throwing an error.
  • Problem resolved where sometimes the first upload in your queue would fail.
  • Custom theme validation will now ignore dotfiles.
  • Lastfm Component creation has been fixed, this was broken due to a library upgrade.
  • Fixed caching problems with dynamic components, and made them update more frequently. (Lastfm Component, Twitter Component, Upcoming Component, Blogroll Component).
  • Image selector no longer gets lost when uploading multiple pictures from the visual editor.
  • Fixed an Audio Player Component display bug for the currently playing song.


  • New image hover toolbar in the Visual Editor. If you hover over an image it now gives you options to edit, delete, and align the image in a variety of ways.
  • Added option for creating links inside the Visual Editor that open in a new window.
  • FriendFeed Component will give instructions, and no longer display on the site, if the remote key is changed after being added to the site.


  • Fields from a Form Component are now emailed in the same order as they appear in the page.

Version 1.0.3

Release date: May 11th, 2009


  • Visitors can properly delete Blog comments after posting them, for a short period of time.
  • Uploading files into a collection from the Image Gallery Component dialog no longer resets the collection drop down.
  • An issue involving uploading a new image while using the add image dialog Custom Component has been resolved.
  • Fixed a bug causing the current page dropdown to display incorrectly when you have exactly one page that is not published, and are viewing that page.
  • Fixed caching of lightbox image gallery while logged in after changing images not displayed on the page.
  • Javascript files can now be edited from the edit theme source code editor.
  • Added missing alt tags to images in themes to satisfy validators.
  • Account activation fixed to work after changing password immediately after signup.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes content would be cut off in the Visual Editor in Internet Explorer.
  • When uploading images to a collection via the Gallery component, it will now go to the collection selected instead of the one the component is displaying.
  • Themes without a title element will now properly show the title if it doesn't exist.
  • Resolved an issue with hostname mapping caching 'page not found' if you try to view your site before adding it in hostname mapping.
  • mailto links in theme files work properly.


  • 14 New themes: Pixel[green,blue,red], Colourise, UrbanArtist, Outdoors, New Horizon, Freshpick[red,green,blue], Pixeled, HarvestField, Go Travel, Grunge Rock


  • Image Gallery Component will now revert to display all images if you set it to a collection, and then delete the collection.
  • Added single column layout option to Terrafirma theme.
  • Simplified theme creation for multiple layouts, removed config.xml file from themes.
  • Extensive upgrades to the backend resulting in improved performance and page load times.
  • When changing themes or uploading a new copy of a theme, pages will remember alternative layout settings as long as the new theme supports them.
  • Improved theme filtering.
  • Improved component selector, changed from grid to list view.
  • Updated themes to ensure validation with W3C standards.
  • Improvements to Blog post comment spam filtering
  • Modified Theme Selection dialog to make it easier to see what the themes look like when changing or selecting a theme.
  • Improved dialog responsiveness, load time, and the 'Loading' text is now visible when waiting for a dialog to load.
  • Improved theme editor dialog speeds and removed 'flickering' that occurred when loading some files.

Version 1.0.2

Release date: April 13th, 2009


  • Fixed problem with some feeds added not updating due to them containing a blank title node in the XML.
  • When importing large Wordpress XML exports, posts are no longer duplicated sometimes.
  • Editing nested items in the Navigation Component no longer removes children.
  • Fixed an Internet Explorer bug causing file uploads to not work after subsequent attempts.
  • Feeds that are using the iTunes podcast specification will now parse and update properly.
  • Twitter Component now displays the number specified rather than just the latest tweet. (This was an etag problem)


  • Importing Wordpress posts is now quicker. (Especially if you have alot of posts!)
  • Better feedback when managing hostnames.
  • Better handling of songs without author ID3 data in Audio Player Component

Version 1.0.1

Release date: April 6th, 2009


  • Fixed problem with Blogroll Component for when feeds do not have a website URL associated with them. Blogroll Components that were displaying an error will now be fixed.
  • Generated sitemap.xml file now validates properly when adding to Google Webmaster tools.
  • Editing nested labels in the Navigation Component no longer causes an error.
  • Audio Player Component will no longer error when the playlist is empty.
  • Audio Player Component fixed to work with only one song in the playlist.
  • Resolved an issue with the Blog when saving an post as unpublished for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue with favorite icon fetching for some feeds (Google Reader and a few others) was causing them to not get updated due to an error.



  • Made the Blogroll Component and Webfeed Component interfaces a little more clear for what the action buttons do.
  • JavaScripts are now prepended (instead of being appended) to head, making it easier to use the built in jQuery (also available as $j) in your own scripts

Version 1.0.0

Out of beta!