Releases: Difference between revisions

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= Upcoming Changes =
= Upcoming Changes =
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== Version 2.0.8 ==
Release Date: June 6, 2013
* Broad new measures to block spammers from creating accounts
* If a file is too big, or will cause you to run out of storage space, you will be notified within the builder
* Youtube Component enhancements for Internet Explorer users.
* Twitter and Facebook [[Linked Accounts | linked account]] improvements and reliability.
* Google Maps marker text shares body text style
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 2.0.5 ==
Release Date: May 7, 2013
* [[Choosing_a_New_Theme#Configuring_different_header_images_for_different_pages | Page specific headers]]
* 5 new responsive themes
* page seo option errors on blog posts
* Line height font editor fixes
* Auto set the width when adding certain components
* Resetting DNS records resets domain association to website
* Allow partners to login to users' accounts
* Allow partners to delete accounts
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 2.0.4 ==
Release Date: Apr 22, 2013
* Extensive new additions to the font editor
* New themes and theme fixes
* primary navigation [[Managing_Primary_Navigation#Adding_Dropdown_Submenus | dropdown menus]]
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 2.0.3 ==
Release Date: Apr 4, 2013
* New Fonts manager
* Layouts dropdown now on [[Toolbar]]
* Improved field validation for [[FormComponent | Forms component]]
* [[YoutubeComponent | YouTube sizing]] sizing improvements
* CC address for the [[FormComponent | Forms component]] added
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 2.0.2 ==
Release Date: Mar 20, 2013
* Classic [[Uploading Files | upload]] button removed, no way to upload without Flash
* [[Adding to a Page | Component]] buttons no longer squish together
* [[YoutubeComponent | Youtube]] search fixed
* [[Managing Redirects | Page redirects]] fixed
* [[AudioPlayerComponent | Audio player]] improvements
* Font enhancements
== Version 1.2.36 ==
Release Date: Feb 14, 2013
* Site/builder-wide re-skin with various enhancements and improvements for clarity, flow and and overall enhanced user experience
* Improved [[Adding to a Page | component addition]] with drag and drop functionality
* Enhanced Photo Management System with thousands of new Professional [[Stock Photo Library | Stock photos]]
* [[Toolbar]] redesigned
* Over 20 new themes added
* Several [! new fonts] added
== Version 1.2.35 ==
Release Date: Dec 17, 2012
* Email Jigsy users who have not updated their site for two weeks with helpful information.
* Partner domain registration changed to allow alternate registrars
* Various partner tool updates and enhancements
== Version 1.2.34 ==
Release Date: Dec 5, 2012
* New [[GuestbookComponent | Guestbook Component]]
* Improved template selection view with large screens
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 1.2.33 ==
Release Date: Oct 31, 2012
* Visual editor can now expand to full width of dialog box
* Preview button added in HTML editor
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 1.2.32 ==
Release Date: Oct 18, 2012
* Titles and descriptions now appear at the top of pictures when using the [[ImageGalleryComponent | Image Gallery]] block
* The Digg component was removed
* Heading and Paragraph form items added to [[FormComponent | Form]] block
* Users can now use very big images on their site
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 1.2.31 ==
Release Date: Sep 24, 2012
* [[ShareButtonsComponent | Social Icons Component]]
* [[Editing in Safe Mode | Safe mode]]
* Page specific site headers
* Account Button on [[Toolbar]] changed to Logout Button
* Default title for new sites changed to "Your title here"
* Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements
== Version 1.2.30 ==
Release Date: Sep 10, 2012
* Custom keywords and descriptions for [[:Category:Blogging | blog posts]] can now be created
* Wording on modifying [[Managing Primary Navigation | Primary Navigation]] fixed
* [[Pages | Page]] layouts are now more prominent
* Changing an image in the [[Choosing_a_New_Theme#imageeditor | image editor]] no longer loses image padding
* Image editor auto-crops images extending past the boundaries
* Newly [[Uploading Files | uploaded files]] now added to the front of the folder
* Facebook accounts can now be properly [[Linked Accounts | linked]] where [[Hostname Mapping]] issues previously prevented this
* [[Choosing a New Theme#header | Editing header image]] starts with a full width crop
* [[Uploading Files | Uploaded images]] now forced to have lowercase extensions
* First page in [[Toolbar | dropdown]] is always homepage
* Various bug fixes and enhancements
== Version 1.2.28 ==
Release Date: Aug 15th, 2012
* [[BlogComponent | Blog posts]] that have duplicate titles and descriptions now have that date added to the title tag when [[BlogArchiveComponent | archived]]
* If [[BlogCommentComponent | Blog comments]] are disabled and there are no comments, nothing is displayed after the post.
* [[Uploading Files | Image upload]] order improved to display images in order of upload
* More favicons
* [[Toolbar | Pages dropdown]] to handle large sites modified to better display large number of pages
* The meta description tag now takes the first 200 characters of the beginning of a [[BlogComponent | blog post]]
* The [[Choosing a New Theme | theme selection dialog]] in the builder is now 100% of the page width
* Border selection in the image editor now updates the border around the image being worked on in realtime
* Various bug fixes and enhancements
== Version 1.2.27 ==
Release Date: Aug 9th, 2012
* [[Sitemap]] xml updated to include blog links
* Warning added to users who are using older browsers that the builder may not work
* New favicons
* [[Metatags | Meta tags]] for [[Pages | pages]] improved
* Page warning from the [[Toolbar]] removed
== Version 1.2.26 ==
Release Date: Aug 8th, 2012
* Administrative Release
== Version 1.2.25 ==
Release Date: July 26th, 2012
* Users can now create a custom [[Sitemap]]
* Page extensions can now be created, like .html .asp or .php to allow for redirecting pages from members' old sites
== Version 1.2.24 ==
Release Date: July 25th, 2012
* An existing Ecwid account can now be [[Linked Accounts | linked]] to our system and used.
* The [[EcwidProductListingComponent | Ecwid Product Listing component]] dialog has been updated with a cleaner look.
* General bug fixes to the Ecwid components to improve stability
== Version 1.2.23 ==
Release Date: July 16th, 2012
* Current theme excluded from [[Choosing a New Theme | theme search]]
* Fixed a bug in which [[NavigationComponent | navigation]] [[Creating Navigation Component Hover Menus | submenu headers]] were missing
* [[Metatags]] have been moved into their own dialog as they didn't fit in with the other items on the "Header" dialog
* Improved spam account detection and removal
== Version 1.2.22 ==
Release Date: July 9th, 2012
* New [[BravenetComponent | Bravenet Web Apps Component]] released, allowing Bravenet apps to be added to a site easily
* Numerous bug fixes and optimizations
== Version 1.2.21 ==
* Administrative Release
== Version 1.2.20 ==
* Quick Sizes - Added a tab to the [[ImageComponent | image editor]] where a user can quickly choose pre-sized square or rectangular images to place into a text editor.
* [[FormComponent | Form Component]] - Submitting a form that does not have an 'Email' field will send the email with the from address as:
* Newly created websites have a default sub-heading that says, "Welcome to my site, enjoy your stay."
* Newly created websites no longer have a "My Photos" folder created by default.
* A warning message will be displayed in the toolbar when the user has more pages than their package allows: "[!] 2 pages hidden"
== Version 1.2.19 ==
Release Date:June 25th, 2012
* API partners will not be able to set custom limitations on packages, an error in the api will be returned
* Setting Trial packages limits will be ignored, no error will be returned
* Pages over the package limit will be hidden

=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a bug where tables were not pasting properly in the Visual Editor.
* Fixed a bug where file uploader would stop working in Internet Explorer after first upload.
* Fixed a bug that allowed 5 character passwords. 6 is now required for new passwords.
* Fixed a bug that didn't allow you to create a new collection with the basic uploader.
* Fixed a broken label in [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Component]].
* Fixed an issue with recaptcha stopping all comments.
* Fixed an issue causing titles over replaceable images to not be editable, in firefox.
* Fixed issue with the blogs Atom feed that caused some readers to not display the site url properly.
* Fixed custom design page 'choose ' buttons.
* When changing number of posts in [[BlogComponent|Blog Component]], quick access buttons work without refreshing first.
* Fixed a bug that wrongly escaped double quotes in a CSS file when editing through the [[Editing_Theme_Source_Code|Customize HTML]] dialog.
* Readonly locations now properly enforce not allowing components dragged into them unless collapse mode is enabled.
* Fixed a display issue with labels in the [[FormComponent|Form Component]] in these themes: Harvest Field, Go Travel, Warped.

=== Features ===
== Version 1.2.18 ==
* New themes: Simple Business Tan, Citylights Red, Wild Music, House for Sale, Ecobusiness Cafe, Keep it Simple Kids, Blue Skinny, New Skinny Dentist
Release Date:May 28th, 2012
* Added a popout option for the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]]. Allow your viewers to listen as they browse.
* Improved the layout of the [[ImageGalleryComponent | Image Gallery Component]] form.
* Added a couple of new options to the [[ImageGalleryComponent | Image Gallery Component]]: 'Space Between Thumbnails', 'Download Image Button'
* Replaced the image slideshow viewer with a Galleria fullscreen slideshow.
* Images can once again have links added to them, in the TinyMCE rich text editor.
* In Firefox, the image resize handles now disappear when justifying an image in TinyMCE
== Version 1.2.17 ==
Release Date:April 18th, 2012
* Fixed issue in which blog importing was not working on some accounts
* Help dialogs now link directly to our knowledge base
* Various bug fixes
== Version 1.2.16 ==
Release Date:March 30th, 2012
* New Blog post editor
* New Text Editor
* Auto-Save feature for content editing
* New method for adding and moving content blocks
* Numerous bug fixes and optimizations
== Version 1.2.15 ==
Release Date:March 19th, 2012
* Freemium package available to partners
* Improvements to the user caching
* Components are now grouped by category
== Version 1.2.14==
Release Date:Feb 16th, 2012
* New image cropping and management tools!
* Improved file management
* Assorted bug fixes, enhancements and styling improvements
== Version ==
Release Date:Feb 7th, 2012
* Error in Kappe Spinach theme stylesheet, css fixed
*  Transactions are now paged for partners
*  Non-flash uploader fixed for IE
*  Tiny MCE - Full-screen view removed as it was breaking in several themes
*  Font change not working in title styler ( IE8 ) has been fixed
*  API to allow partners to create components, contact us for new API documentation
*  Title styler now closes after save
== Version ==
Release Date: Jan 10th, 2012
=== Changes ===
* Theme selection is now done with the add theme button only
* Added partner specific themes
== Version ==
Release Date: Nov 15th, 2011
=== Changes ===
* New font style editor
* Added partner specific themes
* API documentation updated
* Added Youtube link to Jigsy front page
* Added Rapid SSL badge
== Version ==
Release Date: Nov 2nd, 2011

=== Enhancements ===
=== Changes ===
* Signups and logins are now always done securely over SSL.
* Partner API now returns a primary_host_id field in these API methods: /website/*, /account/ID/websites
* Fixed several spelling and grammatical errors.
* New Partner API method: POST /website/ID/apply_theme_by_id
* Sitemap will always use current host, even if it's not the primary, to ensure it's always valid.
* Text changes to the signup form
* Empty locations will now have an additional CSS class of empty added to them, for styling purposes.
* Quick access edit and delete blog post buttons automatically shift over to ensure they fit on the screen.

== Version 1.2.11 ==
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Release Date: Oct 6th, 2011

= Release History =
=== Changes ===
* New signup theme selection
* Recaptcha removed
* Changes to toolbar, renaming and ordering of items
* Featured websites slideshow
* Replace outdated video with screenshots on
* Add collapse component button in tool bar

== Version 1.0.17 ==
Release Date: December 22, 2009

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a bug in the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] that would prevent playback when switching between playlist items.
* File Manager aesthetic issue - long collection names
* unauthenticated content on
*  first-time website create help tooltips broken
* Website not found - try it for free not working
* Password protected pages, protecting additional similar page names
== Version 1.2.10 ==
Release Date: Aug 30th, 2011
=== Changes ===
* New toolbar
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=== Features ===
== Version 1.2.9 ==
* New themes! Xray, Cute Aliens, Parkscape, Pixel Yellow, Doctors, Kappe Spinach, Keep It Simple 2, CityLights Resort
Release Date: Aug 12th, 2011

=== Enhancements ===
=== Bugs ===
* Improved buffering feedback of the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]].
* Failboat when creating e-mail addresses - password insufficient
* Added one column layout to theme: Hiller Windmill.
* Meta Tag Added for IE9 to fix issue with layout
* Typo on Password protection/locked pages

=== Changes ===
* Increase free trial period from 1 to 3 days.
* Allow Partners to have a "blog" link in their main nav.
* Pricing matrix.

== Version 1.0.16 ==  
== Version 1.2.8 ==
Release Date: December 10, 2009
Release Date: July 20th, 2011

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Issues causing some peoples Wordpress import to fail have been fixed.
* Components will keep the correct order.
* Fixed a bug with the image toolbar not showing up in the Visual Editor.
* Account API now prevents creating multiple accounts with the same email.
* Fixed a bug that was preventing the uploading of Wordpress XML files in the blog import dialog.
* Form fields which are marked as required, can be marked as optional
* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Wordpress exports to not be parsed properly.
* Users no have the option to renew their email manually.  
* Blog posting won't break when facebook is down and you have linked facebook accounts.
* Changing package levels in no longer causes issues with users in
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=== Features ===
== Version 1.2.7 ==
* Keyword meta tags are available.
Release Date: June 15th, 2011
* Page specific meta tags are now available.
=== Bugs ===
* Navigation component hover menus are now working
* Insert button no longer missing when adding image / blog post in IE9
* Form component CAPTCHA now appears
* Orthrus exception mailer now points to new development team
* Valid feeds are now discovered properly and can be added
* IE9 can now drag and drop components and use the site builder
* Top IP Addresses are now displaying content as usual
* Image gallery titles are now showing
* Adding a component which uses tiny_MCE no longer throws a javascript error and prevents other components from being added
* IE9 no longer fails with a javascript error on certain themes

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Add a border around the textarea in the HTML/Javascript dialog

== Version 1.0.15 ==  
== Version 1.2.6 ==
Release Date: November 30, 2009
Release Date: May 17th, 2011

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed an issue that could cause an issue when trying to feature a comment that no longer exists.
* Some trial accounts were not being deactivated.
* Fixed an issue that could cause an error when trying to enter invalid data in the external image url field.
* Some partner's html/css could not be updated
* Fixed an issue that could cause errors in the image library when there are connection problems.
* The gamertag component would break page rendering
* Better handling of facebook issues when their servers are unresponsive.
* Members were being emailed about their trial period ending, after having upgraded.
* Better handling of youtube browsing when their api returns invalid data.
*  Support ticket email for users contained a mangled link in Mac Mail
* User country flags were being shown as a broken image in some places
=== Features ===
* Creating more than one user account note at a time created duplicate notes
* Ticket attachments were limited to 64kb file sizes.
* Deleting a large number of accounts crashed the page.
* A javascript error in IE6/7 broke page rendering
* Adding an image from an external location broke IE page rendering
* CityLights themes had some mangled html which broke page rendering in IE
* The youtube component did not work in IE
* The image component carousel did not work in IE7
* Important cron jobs were timing out halfway through and not completing.

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Added shuffle and repeat options to the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] dialog.
* Pages for Trial and Free accounts are not indexed for 14 days.
* Added icons for layout variations in the theme selector.
* Account registration is limited to 20 signups per day, per ip address
* Update to default site text wording to make it more clear how to edit your site for the first time.
* Accounts can now be "canceled", which is an intermediate step between Suspending and Deleting an account.
* Admins can now view "associated accounts", cross referencing accounts by signup ip address and email address.
* .html, .htm, and .xhtml file types are now unable to be uploaded through the user's file manager.

== Version 1.2.5 ==
== Version 1.0.14 ==
Release Date: April 11th, 2011
Release Date: November 24, 2009

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a bug causing flash components to break if you delete the flash file from your file manager.
* Fixed issue where [[EbayItemsComponent | eBay component]] shows incorrect listing expiration times.
* Check uploaded themes for doctype to prevent problems.
* Fixed load jquery first alert error
* Fixed a problem with editing custom website heading.
* Fixed image editing - custom crop, maxsize is (1000px x 1000px)
* Fixed an issue where some sites had no default page.
* Fixed Fail boat when partner tries to create a new promotion
* Fixed migration script  for primary_editing on hosts table
* Fixed issue with primary_host_ids set to nil
* Fixed issue with Suspend/Unsuspend warning message  in reseller user management 
* Fixed form validation with [[Registering a Domain Name | domain registration]]
* Fixed branding issue, new templates now have 'Powered by Jigsy'

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Added HTML Break button to Visual Editor. Break elements can be added by pushing this button, or by holding shift and then pressing enter.
* Added [[VimeoComponent | Vimeo Component]]
* Added [[Editing a Blog Post#pagebreak | "break" functionality for blog posts]] in the Visual Editor. Blog post content will be cut off after the break is inserted and the content will be replaced with a 'Read more...' link that goes to the blog post.
* Added [[Blog Settings#datesettings | custom date/time format option]] to blog post settings.
* New theme: Jungleland, available in 2 column or splash layouts.
* New theme: Cerulean Elegance.
* New theme: Fluid Solution, available in 2 column or 3 column layouts.
* New theme: Warped.
* New theme: Business Company Red.
* [[Managing Comment Settings#captcha | Option to require a Captcha]] for users submitting blog comments, for extra spam prevention.
* In advanced website settings, there is now an option to [[Website Settings#robots | customize the robots.txt file]].

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Added span tags and classes to navigation link items for advanced styling.
* Faster page loading
* Added a title tag to the blog post date div, containing the date in ms for easy javascript parsing (for advanced themes wanting to have customized date formats).
* Our themes with multiple layouts will now let you visually select a layout by selecting an icon in the [[Page_Settings|Page Settings]] dialog.
* After linking accounts from a new blog post, you get redirected back to the new post dialog instead of linked accounts dialog.
* Added the option to use a [[File Manager#basicuploader | basic uploader]] for those encountering issues with the flash uploader.
* Improved the first time help dialog.

== Version 1.2.4 ==
Release Date: March 23, 2011

== Version 1.0.13 ==
Release Date: November 1, 2009
=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Paypal and Bookfresh components properly can be copied to other pages.
* Fixed an issue that prevented users from sorting by popularity in [[Choosing a New Theme | theme selection]]
* Fixed a bug when displaying blog posts in IE 6 when a Nonzero theme was used.
* [[PageCounterComponent | Page counter]] displays 0 if no one has viewed a page
* Fixed a bug in the [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] when hiding @replies that would prevent the component from displaying tweets.
* Added missing icon for editing blog posts in a dynamic content location (blue component editors)
* Fixed a problem with url shortening for blog post tweets when using international character sets.
* Fixed a theme bug in City Lights.
* Fixed issues with editing images added as 'original size' in image editor, and then modifying them later.
* Fixed a bug that allowed scrolling when viewing a slideshow in an [[ImageComponent|Image Component]].
* Minor tweaks on Kappe Beans and Kappe House themes.
* Fixed a rare issue causing errors when removing all items from a navigation menu.
* Fixed an issue causing an error when posting blog posts to facebook while facebook is having connection issues.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* New theme: Basic Green, available as a fixed and fluid layout.
* Added recaptcha security option for [[FormComponent | form component]]
* Added [[FlashComponent|Flash Component]] to make embedding Flash easier than ever.
* Added page redirects
* Added [[GitHubRepositoriesComponent | Github Component]]
* Added list view to [[File Manager| file manager]]

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Better detection of components when overlapping components via is used. If needed, use z-index to hint the editor which element is on top.
* Added ability to set a URL in [[FacebookLikeComponent | facebook like component]]
* If a [[FormComponent|Form Component]] has a 'Email' field, it will be used as the reply-to.
* [[DiggComponent | Digg component]] now uses Digg 2.0 API
* More behind the scenes progress on upcoming backup/restore functionality.
* Tip messages stay open now when editing input fields
* The [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] now only requires a single click to change songs through the playlist.
* Moved to a new office :)
== Version 1.2.3 ==
* Updated load order of javascripts to ensure compatibility when people use their own version of jQuery.
Release Date: March 10, 2011
* Added release timestamp to all javascripts to force clearing of cache after new releases.
* Updated wiki theme.
* Better handling of third party services failing (FriendFeed, Dig, Youtube, Facebook, Bitly for Twitter).

* Viviti was rebranded to Jigsy in this release

== Version 1.0.12 ==  
== Version 1.2.2 ==
Release Date: October 14, 2009
Release Date: January 18, 2011

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a bug where the cache wouldn't get expired for the [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Component]] and [[FeedComponent|FeedComponent]], when refreshing a feed manually and then closing the dialog.
* Fixed a bug that caused some help links to not load.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the page selector dropdown from scrolling.
* Fixed a bug that didn't allow scrolling to work properly inside the [[File Manager | file manager]]
* Fixed a bug in Pixel themes (Pixel Red, Pixel Blue and Pixel Green), and Brewed Coffee.
* Fixed an issue with branding inside of the initial [[Choosing a New Theme | theme selection]] dialog.
* Fixed a bug that prevented highlighting code in the visual editor.
* Fixed an issue with the package selection API for partners.
* Fixed a bug that prevented moving the cursor after a table or block of highlighted code, if it was the last element in the Visual Editor.
* Fixed a bug that allowed duplicate [[Website Settings#linked | linked accounts]] for Twitter.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Added new theme 'Free Radicals Red'.
* Added Ecwid shopping cart components! Users can now add product listing component, product search component, and product category component to anywhere on their website!
* Added new theme 'Free Radicals Green'.
* Added the ability to search for files in the asset manager.
* Added new theme 'Kappe House'.
* Added new theme 'Boxes Blue'.
* Added new theme 'Characterized'.
* Added new theme 'Hiller Windmill'.
* New option to allow blog posts to be announced via your Twitter account.
* [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] now has an option to hide statuses starting with an @reply.
* Added the ability to delete [[Website Settings#linked | Linked Accounts]].
* $25 in Free Facebook Ad Credits added for business accounts! Existing business users will receive an email with their code when we deploy :)

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Updated some icons to make things clearer.
* New user interface changes to [[File Manager | file manager]]
* Tweaked the content templates to work a little better when inserting them in a [[ContentBlockComponent|Content Block Component]].
* Improved IE compatibility across the entire builder.
* The Visual Editor now displays 'Loading' text until it's finished loading.
* Improved reliability of Facebook components in the event that Facebook does not respond.
* You can now [[Website Settings#linked | link]] multiple Facebook accounts!
* [[Updates | New updates page]] in account manager.
== Version 1.2.1 ==
* When you upload epndomain.txt, it will automatically be made availabe as /epndomain.txt so that ebay domain verification will work correctly.
Release Date: November 8, 2010
* Added an XRDS file for OpenID - this will remove warnings from providers like Yahoo.

== Version 1.0.11 ==
Release Date: September 28, 2009
=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Theme bug fixes in Puzzled and Fresco
* Fixed a bug that caused email DNS records not to get reset when using the 'Reset DNS' option for a domain name.
* Duplicate replies will no longer show up when pressing the submit button for support tickets.
* Fixed a bug that would cause an error when attempting to edit an image in the Visual Editor if the border was set to 0px.
* Fixed a bug where duplicate referrers [[Statistics]] were showing up in the list.
* Fixed a problem that sometimes caused an error when the alternative text of images contained quotes.
* [[LastfmComponent|Lastfm Component]] recent track time wasn't adjusting the played time to the users timezone, time should be reported correctly now.
* Fixed a bug that caused custom themes to sometimes not get applied properly.
* Fixed a bug that would cause feeds to not update sometimes. This fix should resolve any update issues with the [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Component]] and [[FeedComponent|FeedComponent]].
* Fixed a bug that mishandled invalid protocols in the [[FeedComponent | Feed Component]] and [[BlogrollComponent | Blogroll Component]].
* Fixed an issue with the visual editor, causing an error after editing an image pasted from the clipboard in webkit based browsers (Chrome, Safari)
* Fixed a bug that caused some help content to not load.
* Fixed an issue causing checkboxes in the [[FormComponent|Form Component]] to not properly send 'Checked' status.
* Fixed a style issue that allowed some themes override table styles in editor dialogs.
* Fixed a bug that wouldn't submit comments after a validation error.
* Fixed a bug that prevented multiple form field items to be added to a [[FormComponent | Form Component]] without reloading the dialog.
* Fixed a bug that didn't set the copyright on site creation.
* Fixed a bug that didn't properly filter assets when scrolling.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* [[Custom Error Pages | 404 Error page]] can have the layout set on it now.
* [[GoogleMapComponent | Google Maps Component]] now supports streetview, georss/kml feeds and directions.
* New [[TweetButtonComponent | Tweet Button component]]. Easily allow visitors to tweet pages on your site.

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Themes with replaceable images now have [[Choosing a New Theme#header | an indicator]] in the theme selector.
* Speed improvements to the [[Choosing a New Theme | theme selection]] dialog.
* There is more feedback when refreshing feeds from within the [[WebFeedComponent|Webfeed Component]].
* Improved image border options to make it easier to understand.
* Emails from [[FormComponent|Form Component]] are now easier to read.
* E-mail no longer required for comments.

== Version 1.0.10 ==  
== Version 1.2 ==  
Release Date: September 22, 2009
Release Date: October 12, 2010

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* When comments are enabled but comments are turned off for a specific post, the '0 comments'  text will not be displayed.
* Fixed an issue where the wrong dialog tab would open when attempting to edit original sized images in the Visual Editor.
* Fixed lightbox issue which caused browser to scroll to the top of page on closing.
* Fixed an issue that caused styles to be lost when modifying the alignment or border of images in the Visual Editor.
* Fixed bugs in the themes: The Leaf, Get Your Hands Dirty, Branches, Puzzled, Modern, Minimal Red, Minimal Green, Minimal Blue, Astral Blue Grunge, Astral Green Grunge, Astral Pink Grunge, Astral Purple Grunge.
* Fixed a bug handling the scenario where a Facebook account is linked, but not visible.
* Clicking 'Approve' on suspected spam comments now works properly.
* Fixed a bug that put [[YoutubeComponent | youtube videos]] above the toolbar. Doesn't update existing youtube components.
* Fixed a bug that allowed duplicate posts when posting replies to a support ticket.
* Fixed a bug with the basic uploader which prevented users from uploading to an [[image gallery]] without flash installed.
* Fixed columns to match headings in the Pageview tab of the [[Statistics | Website statistics]] dialog.
* Fixed a problem causing the "Current Page" drop down to be empty if your primary navigation is empty.
* Fixed a bug when denying authorization to Twitter. No longer errors, instead displays an informative dialog.
* Fixed a bug when adding the first feed to a feed component in Safari.
* Fixed a bug that prevented IE8 from displaying custom favicons.
* An issue causing some accounts to stay deactivated from trial expiration to stay deactivated after payment has been fixed.
* Upgrades of third party libraries to address potential security issues.
* Fixed a bug that allowed HTML in form field labels and page names.
* Fixed a bug with the validation on collections.
* Fixed some bugs with the validation on comments.
* Fixed image toolbar problem that occurred when the image was too small and aligned on the right side of the editor.
* Fixed IE and Safari problems with the image toolbar, it should now work properly in IE, Safari, and Firefox.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Added new theme 'Clubcard'.
* Added new component: [[GoogleDocsViewerComponent | Google Docs Viewer]]
* Added new theme 'Plain Office'.
* Integrated Help System
* Added new theme 'Citylights'.
* Brand new dialog styles
* Added new theme 'Professional'.
* Added new theme 'Nimbuslike'.
* Added new theme 'Level 2 Red'.
* Added new theme 'Astroturfd'.
* Added new theme 'Brewed Coffee'.
* Added new theme 'Free Radicals Black'.
* Added new theme 'Miscellaneous'.
* Added new theme 'Imprimis'.
* Added new theme 'Reckoning'.
* Added new theme 'Popular'.
* Added new theme 'Fresco'.
* Added new theme 'Kappe Beans'.
* Extensive Backend work to allow for ''future releases'' to contain export/restore/backup functionality. Not available yet!
* Facebook Integration. You can now link your account with Facebook and announce blog posts to your Facebook wall.
* Live help added as a test.

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* The [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] on newly created websites is now set to a collection to prevent all uploaded images from appearing in it.
* [[VideoPlayerComponent | Video Player]] now supports panning.
* Feed icon used by some themes has been improved to be better looking on dark backgrounds.
* [[GoogleMapComponent | Google Maps Component]] upgraded to newer API. Some new features will be implemented soon!
* Better support for custom packages. (Contact support if our standard packages don't suite your needs!)
* Files uploaded with spaces will now have the spaces converted to dashes (to avoid problems with urls).
* You can toggle between Visual and HTML mode via tabs in the upper-right in the Visual Editor.
* Re-enabled Microsoft Word pasting in the Visual Editor. Metadata and some formatting will now be stripped out when copying directly from Microsoft word.

== Version 1.1.8 ==  
== Version 1.0.9 ==  
Release Date: July 28, 2010
Release Date: August 10, 2009

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed an issue with the image gallery displaying internal data for descriptions.
* Fixed a bug on signup that incorrectly said a password was too short after submitting the form.
* Selecting the Free version after your trial has expired will now properly re-activate your account automatically.
* Fixed an alignment issue with the Find Address button on the [[GoogleMapComponent | Google Maps Component]].
* Added missing primary navigation to the theme Idyllic.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* The [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] now has shuffle and repeat.
* Added the ability to add and remove an auto-responder from your email addresses.
* Uploaded files with whitespace get replaced with dashes eg. this-is-my-file.doc
* Added the ability to setup email forwarders for your email addresses.
* Added new theme "Get Your Hands Dirty".
* Added new theme "Puzzled".
* Added new theme "Freshlight".
* Added new theme "Branches".
* Lightbox for [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] and [[FlickrGalleryComponent|Flickr Gallery Component]] now provides a linkable url so you can send links directly to the pictures to your friends.

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Theme VectorLover now has a one-column layout.
* Made it easier to upload the correct type of files for the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] and the [[VideoPlayerComponent|Video Player Component]].
* The editor for copyright now focuses automatically when you click edit.

== Version 1.0.8 ==  
== Version 1.1.7 ==  
Release Date: August 4, 2009
Release Date: July 19, 2010

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a problem with auto-complete in the stock image gallery sometimes not working properly.
* Fixed a problem with Internet Explorer throwing an error dialog when replying to a ticket.
* Uploading a theme without an assets directory no longer causes issues.
* Fixed a bug where Chrome/Safari would render javascript if replying to a support ticket twice in a row.
* Better handling of some really bizarre use-cases that were triggering less than friendly errors :)
* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an error when attempting to login incorrectly too many times.
* Image order in the lightbox of the [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] in random mode will now properly match the page.
* Fixed a bug that was causing users to not be able to insert a second image in the content areas sometimes.
* Fixed twitter breaking when there were no tweets.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Site stats show most recent days at the top, and are scrollable to make it easier to read
=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Automatically downcases email address when creating it to avoid unnecessary errors.
* Improvements for resellers and cobrand partners.

== Version 1.1.6 ==  
== Version 1.0.7 ==
Release Date: July 12, 2010
Release Date: July 27, 2009

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed an issue with IE7 and Google Maps. Browser no longer freezes when creating a new map.
* Fixed an issue that occasionally caused spam filtering to hang when checking comments.
* Fixed browsing for youtube videos under IE.
* Fixed a bug in the audio player that doesn't initially recognize selected collections.
* Fixed selection issue with the filter in the asset manager.
* Fixed javascript error when opening Flickr, Asset, or Youtube dialogs when within the Visual Editor.
* Spam comments in review for over 30 days are now actually deleted.
* Fixed an issue with Chrome/Safari throwing an error and removing the selected image when attempting to edit it.
* Fixed a bug that allowed users to delete their default page.
* Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer not going to the right dialog tab when editing an internal image in the Visual Editor.
* Fixed a bug when creating an account with openid when an invalid hostname is provided.
* Fixed an issue causing an error to occur occasionally when editing theme resources or replacing theme images.
* Invalid and corrupt images are handled better now (when resizing etc)
* Fixed an issue that caused the dialog to jump around when clicking on an image in the Visual Editor in Internet Explorer.
* Fixed handling of timeouts and errors in [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] and [[TwitterFollowerComponent|Twitter Followers Component]].
* Fixed an issue that caused the alignment of an image to revert back to its original position in the Visual Editor when switching to HTML mode.
* Fixed a bug with adding a flickr image that doesn't specify a default size in the src attribute. They will now default to the Medium size.
* Flickr Gallery will no longer break when telling it to link to image on flickr and display a photoset.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Added ability to modify your websites <head> tag from website settings (will remember head tag changes between theme changes!)
* Ability to easily set border sizes and colors on images in the Visual Editor.
* Added optional "follow me" link to twitter component.
* Added new theme "Darkened Dream".
* Added new theme "Lime Fresh".
* Added new theme "Rational".
* Added new theme "New Skinny".
* Added new theme "Featuring Red".
* [[Website Design Services| Design services available!]]
* Large [[Stock Photo Library | library of stock photography]] incorporated to help you build your site (for all paid accounts).
* Several themes available for customizing the lightbox in the [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] and [[FlickrComponent|Flickr Gallery Component]].
* Groundwork to link third-party services into your account. (Like Twitter, Bookfresh, etc)
* New component, [[BookFreshComponent|Book Fresh Component]] allows you to easily create online scheduling and appointment booking on your website.
* New component, [[PageCounterComponent|Page Counter Component]] allows you to display how many visits or page views your site has received.
* New component, [[TwitterFollowerComponent|Twitter Follower Component]] allows you to display the icons of people following you, or people you're following.

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Improved lightbox for [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] and [[FlickrComponent|Flickr Gallery Component]].
* Approving or marking multiple comments as spam should now be occur much quicker.
* We now make sure that all websites are set as UTF-8.
* Better CSS class names for the body tag on dynamically generated pages (for advanced theme customization).
* The page drop-down in the Visual Editor now scrolls when you have a large amount of pages.
* Tweaks to dropspot UI to help make it more clear where components get dropped.
* Sitemaps are now auto-discoverable by search engines, which will help sites get indexed better and quicker.
* Creating a new select option in the [[FormComponent|Form Component]] now immediately places focus the text box, eliminating the need to click before typing.
* The [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] now requires you to link your account. This will allow us to expose more advanced features for the component in the future. All members are urged to link their accounts so they can take advantage of these features!
* The [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] includes the "in reply to" link in the component markup. The class to style it is ".tweet_in_reply_to".  
* The [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] includes the client that you tweeted from in the component markup. It's set to 'display: none' by default. The class to style the source client data is ".tweet_source".
* The [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] now has a div.tweet_metadata wrapper around the date, in reply to, and source data.
* The tweets in the [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] now update every five minutes.
* Statistics will be more accurate because bots and spiders will no longer count be calculated into hits/visits. The overall statistics will seem lower, but will be considerably more accurate.
* The [[NavigationComponent|Navigation Component]] will now add the class "active" to links that point to the current page.

== Version 1.0.6 ==
== Version 1.1.5 ==  
Release Date: June 29th, 2009
Release Date: June 29, 2010

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed CSS navigation issue in PixelGreen with one_column layout
* 'More by this author' link in theme browser fixed.
* Fixed an issue where theme CSS would sometimes override certain Datepicker styles.
* When changing the page title, the change is reflected immediately now.
* Fixed validation problems with the weight and amount fields in the [[PaypalComponent|Paypal Component]].
* Search filter no longer gets lost when changing sort order in theme gallery.
* Fixed problem where Insert/Edit Image dialog button in the Visual Editor wasn't working in Internet Explorer 7.
* Improved validation for external domains.
* The Image toolbar in the Visual Editor is now working with Internet Explorer 8.
* Disabled ability to delete external domains after email is setup (causes problems if you do).
* Fixed alignment of tables in [[Statistics | Website statistics]] with Internet Explorer 8.
* A problem with the Image toolbar in Visual Editor has been fixed so that it now works in all browsers when clicking the edit button.
* Fixed alignment of checkboxes in [[File_Manager | File Manager]] when a file is selected with Internet Explorer 8.
* Fixed a bug introduced by last release causing issues changing page layouts.  
* Updated Digg Component to work with changed response in the API from Digg.
* Stopped blog posts from erroring when trying to post to Facebook after arbitrary FB limits have been reached.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Added new theme "EcoBusiness"
* Ability to display pictures from Flickr groups in the [[FlickrGalleryComponent|Flickr Gallery Component]].
* You can now create a Donation and Shopping Cart button with the [[PaypalComponent|PayPal Component]].
* Reset DNS option added to domain management.
* You can now force an update for a feed if it doesn't seem to be updating properly. This can be done by accessing the feed list for the [[FeedComponent|Feed Component]] and clicking the refresh icon.
* Ability to make fields required in the [[FormComponent|Form Component]].
* [[DiggComponent|Digg Component]] can now filter by subtopics (eg. Science/Space, instead of just Science).
* Added referrer tracking to website statistics. You can now see where your visitors are coming from!

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Broke out a few of the global website settings into an 'Advanced' tab within the 'Website Settings' dialog. (Code highlighting and Sitemap XML)
* Extra markup in the [[FormComponent|Form Component]] for more flexibility in styling.
* The [[FriendfeedComponent|FriendFeed Component]] now has service classes on each of its entry elements. This makes the styling of the different service types possible now. (Example: .friendfeed_twitter, .friendfeed_digg, etc)
* Support ticket system improvements.
* Twitter status messages now automatically link hashtags and users. (Hashtag links are given a class of .reply_link and User links are given a class of .user_link)
* Image website headings now link to the home page.
* Added the ability to order email at the same time as domain names.

== Version 1.0.5 ==
Release Date: June 15th, 2009
== Version 1.1.4 ==  
Release Date: June 9, 2010

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a problem with modifying external navigation links
* After changing [[Header Settings | website heading]] type, going back to edit it will properly show the correct by default.
* Notification emails being sent out as plain text when they are actually html will now properly be multipart.
* Avatar setting in [[Managing Comment Settings | comment settings]] properly shows the correct setting.
* Entering an invalid username when browsing to select a Flickr image no longer causes a "Something went wrong" dialog.
* Flash objects no longer go missing after opening a dialog.
* Fixed padding of images causing ads to break out of their container on free sites.
* Fixed a problem of HTML being stripped out of support tickets.
* Link to blog posts in manager were pointed to the wrong link, they now point to the right one.
* Fixed a problem where users of Firefox would get a white screen when visiting Viviti for the first time.
* Fixed problem where the add a feed form in the [[FeedComponent|FeedComponent]] would break after adding a single feed.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* Ability for support tickets to have attachments, so people can upload screenshots of problems etc.
* New themes: Dip!, Idyllic, Technobabble
* Added [[Statistics | Website statistics]], basic tracking and reporting of visits and page views.
* New Components: [[FacebookLikeComponent|Facebook Like Button]], [[FacebookActivityComponent|Facebook Activity]]
* Added [[DiggComponent | Digg Component]].
* Added [[RedditComponent | Reddit Component]].

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Minor reorganization of the My Website and My Content menus to help make things easier to find.
* Theme browser shows new themes first.
* Minor changes to blog commenting.
* Viewing page stats is now quicker.
* Improvements to component dragging.
* Further improved handling of Facebook issues when their servers are not responding correctly.
* Improvements to the templates in the visual text editor.
* Embeded javascript code is now allowed in the [[TextorContentBlockComponent|Custom Component]].
* Spam comments held for review will now be deleted after 30 days automatically.
* When selecting a gif file to insert into [[TextorContentBlockComponent|Custom Component]], the size will default to original size to preserve animations.
* Replaced screen shots on the web site with videos.
* New anti-spam measures for Blog comments.
* Improvements to feed updates, and handling of broken feeds.

== Version 1.1.3 ==
Release Date: May 17, 2010

== Version 1.0.4 ==
Release date: June 1st, 2009

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a problem with the [[YoutubeComponent|Youtube Component]] dialog throwing a Javascript error sometimes.
* Fixed a bug preventing users from setting their initial host as the primary host, after changing it.
* Fixed a problem with the [[Editing_Theme_Source_Code|source code editor]] dialog duplicating forms when throwing an error.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the adding of filenames with apostrophes in them in the visual editor.
* Problem resolved where sometimes the first upload in your queue would fail.
* Fixed display issues in themes EcoBusiness and EcoBusiness Cafe.
* Custom theme validation will now ignore dotfiles.
* Fixed an issue that would leave an empty box in the [[FormComponent|Form Component]] editor after clicking cancel when adding a new item.
* [[LastfmComponent|Lastfm Component]] creation has been fixed, this was broken due to a library upgrade.
* Fixed caching problems with dynamic components, and made them update more frequently. ([[LastfmComponent|Lastfm Component]], [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]], [[UpcomingComponent|Upcoming Component]], [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Component]]).
* Image selector no longer gets lost when uploading multiple pictures from the visual editor.
* Fixed an [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] display bug for the currently playing song.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* New image hover toolbar in the Visual Editor. If you hover over an image it now gives you options to edit, delete, and align the image in a variety of ways.
* The carousel feature for the [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] now allows you to set the transition time.
* Added option for creating links inside the Visual Editor that open in a new window.
* You can now change the password for email addresses created.
* [[FriendfeedComponent|FriendFeed Component]] will give instructions, and no longer display on the site, if the remote key is changed after being added to the site.
* Ability to use [[Header Settings | images for website heading]].
* Improvements for resellers and cobrand partners.
* Ability to enable and disable a [[Registering_a_Domain_Name#Managing_e-mail_catch-all_settings | catch-all for email services]].

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Fields from a [[FormComponent|Form Component]] are now emailed in the same order as they appear in the page.
* Improved page generation and load time.
* Improved first time help/intro, added mini tutorial.
* Improved email account setup speed.
* Page stats no longer track 404s.
* Improved anti-spam measures.
* Comments on blog posts are now paginated with 100 comments per page.
* Dialogs will always ensure save buttons are in the viewport on smaller screen resolutions.

== Version 1.0.3 ==
Release date: May 11th, 2009

=== Bugs ===  
== Version 1.1.2 ==
* Visitors can properly delete [[Blog]] comments after posting them, for a short period of time.
Release Date: April 28, 2010
* Uploading files into a collection from the [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] dialog no longer resets the collection drop down.
* An issue involving uploading a new image while using the add image dialog [[ContentBlockComponent|Custom Component]] has been resolved.
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed a bug causing the current page dropdown to display incorrectly when you have exactly one page that is not published, and are viewing that page.
* Bug causing [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] to always auto-play has been fixed.
* Fixed caching of lightbox image gallery while logged in after changing images not displayed on the page.
* Fixed a bug that caused the [[BlogArchiveComponent|Blog Archive Component]] to not respect the displayed limit setting on some themes.
* Javascript files can now be edited from the edit theme source code editor.
* Fixed layout issues in the page settings dialog.
* Added missing alt tags to images in themes to satisfy validators.
* Issue with quotes in metatags resolved.
* Account activation fixed to work after changing password immediately after signup.
* Fixed a bug in the [[VideoPlayerComponent|Video Player Component]] that muted audio when using auto-play.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes content would be cut off in the Visual Editor in Internet Explorer.
* Fixed a bug that caused slow loading the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] for some users.\
* When uploading images to a collection via the Gallery component, it will now go to the collection selected instead of the one the component is displaying.
* Fixed a bug that caused the enter key to not work in the domain search form.
* Themes without a title element will now properly show the title if it doesn't exist.
* Resolved an issue with hostname mapping caching 'page not found' if you try to view your site before adding it in hostname mapping.
* mailto links in theme files work properly.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* 14 New themes: Pixel[green,blue,red], Colourise, UrbanArtist, Outdoors, New Horizon, Freshpick[red,green,blue], Pixeled, HarvestField, Go Travel, Grunge Rock
* Email services are now available!
* Designer directory added, for people who want a professionally designed website.
* The [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] how has a new view option. View your images in a click-through carousel.
* The carousel option of the [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] now has a slideshow option and an option to display titles.
* Ability to make [[NavigationComponent|Navigation Component]] group labels link to internal pages.

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* [[ImageGalleryComponent|Image Gallery Component]] will now revert to display all images if you set it to a collection, and then delete the collection.
* Improvements to customization options for resellers.
* Added single column layout option to Terrafirma theme.
* Domain name tools will show up all the time to avoid confusion, previously was hidden on trial/free plans.
* Simplified theme creation for multiple layouts, removed config.xml file from themes.
* [[VideoPlayerComponent|Video Player Component]] play button now has a hover effect.
* Extensive upgrades to the backend resulting in improved performance and page load times.
* Themes can now have more than 9 locations.
* When changing themes or uploading a new copy of a theme, pages will remember alternative layout settings as long as the new theme supports them.
* Unpublished pages will no longer show up in the [[Managing_Primary_Navigation|Primary Navigation]] and [[NavigationComponent|Navigation Component]].
* Improved theme filtering.
* Comment spam improvements.
* Improved component selector, changed from grid to list view.
* Updated themes to ensure validation with W3C standards.
* Improvements to [[Blog]] post comment spam filtering
* Modified Theme Selection dialog to make it easier to see what the themes look like when changing or selecting a theme.
* Improved dialog responsiveness, load time, and the 'Loading' text is now visible when waiting for a dialog to load.
* Improved theme editor dialog speeds and removed 'flickering' that occurred when loading some files.

== Version 1.0.2 ==
Release date: April 13th, 2009
== Version 1.1.1 ==
Release Date: March 29, 2010

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed problem with some feeds added not updating due to them containing a blank title node in the XML.
* Fixed an issue that caused pages to be available at their old url for awhile after renaming the page.
* When importing large Wordpress XML exports, posts are no longer duplicated sometimes.
* Usernames with spaces in them now work correctly on the [[FriendfeedComponent|Friendfeed Component]].
* Editing nested items in the [[NavigationComponent|Navigation Component]] no longer removes children.
* Improved error handling when responses from Facebook and Twitter's are invalid/broken.
* Fixed an Internet Explorer bug causing file uploads to not work after subsequent attempts.
* Fixed errors when adding an external image that is taking a long time to respond.
* Feeds that are using the iTunes podcast specification will now parse and update properly.
* [[TwitterComponent|Twitter Component]] now displays the number specified rather than just the latest tweet. (This was an etag problem)
=== Features ===
* Themes no longer [[Required HTML Elements | require]] heading, subheading, nav or copyright.. but they are still recommended!
* Added [[VideoPlayerComponent | Video Player Component]]. Play MP4 videos right on your website!

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Importing Wordpress posts is now quicker. (Especially if you have alot of posts!)
* Customization options for reseller sites.
* Better feedback when managing [[Hostname_Mapping|hostnames]].
* Better handling of songs without author ID3 data in [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]]

== Version 1.0.1 ==
Release date: April 6th, 2009

== Version 1.1.0 ==
Release Date: March 18, 2010
=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
* Fixed problem with [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Component]] for when feeds do not have a website URL associated with them.  [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Components]] that were displaying an error will now be fixed.
* Fixed a bug that allowed Flash objects to be shown through a lightbox.
* Generated sitemap.xml file now validates properly when adding to Google Webmaster tools.
* Fixed a bug that didn't restore components when previewing your site in the Website Builder.
* Editing nested labels in the [[NavigationComponent|Navigation Component]] no longer causes an error.
* Fixed a bug that in the [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] that displayed a blank title if the file contained no ID3 values for title and artist.
* [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] will no longer error when the playlist is empty.
* [[AudioPlayerComponent|Audio Player Component]] fixed to work with only one song in the playlist.
* Resolved an issue with the [[Blog]] when saving an post as unpublished for the first time.
* Fixed an issue with favorite icon fetching for some feeds (Google Reader and a few others) was causing them to not get updated due to an error.

=== Features ===
=== Features ===
* New theme added: Moonlit
* Added new theme 'Classic Luxury'.
* Improvements to the [[Support Center | Support System]]
* New design for main site and account management.
* Reseller and API programs launched.
* [[Registering a Domain Name | Domain Registration and DNS management]].

=== Enhancements ===
=== Enhancements ===
* Made the [[BlogrollComponent|Blogroll Component]] and [[WebFeedComponent|Webfeed Component]] interfaces a little more clear for what the action buttons do.
* New icons for social networking.
* JavaScripts are now prepended (instead of being appended) to head, making it easier to use the built in jQuery (also available as $j) in your own scripts
* You can now display share icons for blog posts on Facebook and Twitter.
* You can now display the comment text on the [[BlogCommentComponent | Blog Comment Component]].
* [[BlogArchiveComponent | Blog Archive component]] now has an option to truncate the list, with a link to display the full list.
== Version 1.0.x ==
Release notes for 1.0.x releases are available on the [[Releases_1.0|Releases 1.0.x]] page.

== Version 1.0.0 ==
Out of beta!

Latest revision as of 16:58, 6 June 2013

Upcoming Changes

Version 2.0.8

Release Date: June 6, 2013

  • Broad new measures to block spammers from creating accounts
  • If a file is too big, or will cause you to run out of storage space, you will be notified within the builder
  • Youtube Component enhancements for Internet Explorer users.
  • Twitter and Facebook linked account improvements and reliability.
  • Google Maps marker text shares body text style
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 2.0.5

Release Date: May 7, 2013

  • Page specific headers
  • 5 new responsive themes
  • page seo option errors on blog posts
  • Line height font editor fixes
  • Auto set the width when adding certain components
  • Resetting DNS records resets domain association to website
  • Allow partners to login to users' accounts
  • Allow partners to delete accounts
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 2.0.4

Release Date: Apr 22, 2013

  • Extensive new additions to the font editor
  • New themes and theme fixes
  • primary navigation dropdown menus
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 2.0.3

Release Date: Apr 4, 2013

Version 2.0.2

Release Date: Mar 20, 2013

Version 1.2.36

Release Date: Feb 14, 2013

  • Site/builder-wide re-skin with various enhancements and improvements for clarity, flow and and overall enhanced user experience
  • Improved component addition with drag and drop functionality
  • Enhanced Photo Management System with thousands of new Professional Stock photos
  • Toolbar redesigned
  • Over 20 new themes added
  • Several new fonts added

Version 1.2.35

Release Date: Dec 17, 2012

  • Email Jigsy users who have not updated their site for two weeks with helpful information.
  • Partner domain registration changed to allow alternate registrars
  • Various partner tool updates and enhancements

Version 1.2.34

Release Date: Dec 5, 2012

  • New Guestbook Component
  • Improved template selection view with large screens
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 1.2.33

Release Date: Oct 31, 2012

  • Visual editor can now expand to full width of dialog box
  • Preview button added in HTML editor
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 1.2.32

Release Date: Oct 18, 2012

  • Titles and descriptions now appear at the top of pictures when using the Image Gallery block
  • The Digg component was removed
  • Heading and Paragraph form items added to Form block
  • Users can now use very big images on their site
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 1.2.31

Release Date: Sep 24, 2012

  • Social Icons Component
  • Safe mode
  • Page specific site headers
  • Account Button on Toolbar changed to Logout Button
  • Default title for new sites changed to "Your title here"
  • Various bug fixes, enhancements, and improvements

Version 1.2.30

Release Date: Sep 10, 2012

Version 1.2.28

Release Date: Aug 15th, 2012

  • Blog posts that have duplicate titles and descriptions now have that date added to the title tag when archived
  • If Blog comments are disabled and there are no comments, nothing is displayed after the post.
  • Image upload order improved to display images in order of upload
  • More favicons
  • Pages dropdown to handle large sites modified to better display large number of pages
  • The meta description tag now takes the first 200 characters of the beginning of a blog post
  • The theme selection dialog in the builder is now 100% of the page width
  • Border selection in the image editor now updates the border around the image being worked on in realtime
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements

Version 1.2.27

Release Date: Aug 9th, 2012

  • Sitemap xml updated to include blog links
  • Warning added to users who are using older browsers that the builder may not work
  • New favicons
  • Meta tags for pages improved
  • Page warning from the Toolbar removed

Version 1.2.26

Release Date: Aug 8th, 2012

  • Administrative Release

Version 1.2.25

Release Date: July 26th, 2012

  • Users can now create a custom Sitemap
  • Page extensions can now be created, like .html .asp or .php to allow for redirecting pages from members' old sites

Version 1.2.24

Release Date: July 25th, 2012

  • An existing Ecwid account can now be linked to our system and used.
  • The Ecwid Product Listing component dialog has been updated with a cleaner look.
  • General bug fixes to the Ecwid components to improve stability

Version 1.2.23

Release Date: July 16th, 2012

  • Current theme excluded from theme search
  • Fixed a bug in which navigation submenu headers were missing
  • Metatags have been moved into their own dialog as they didn't fit in with the other items on the "Header" dialog
  • Improved spam account detection and removal

Version 1.2.22

Release Date: July 9th, 2012

Version 1.2.21

  • Administrative Release

Version 1.2.20

  • Quick Sizes - Added a tab to the image editor where a user can quickly choose pre-sized square or rectangular images to place into a text editor.
  • Form Component - Submitting a form that does not have an 'Email' field will send the email with the from address as:
  • Newly created websites have a default sub-heading that says, "Welcome to my site, enjoy your stay."
  • Newly created websites no longer have a "My Photos" folder created by default.
  • A warning message will be displayed in the toolbar when the user has more pages than their package allows: "[!] 2 pages hidden"

Version 1.2.19

Release Date:June 25th, 2012

  • API partners will not be able to set custom limitations on packages, an error in the api will be returned
  • Setting Trial packages limits will be ignored, no error will be returned
  • Pages over the package limit will be hidden

Version 1.2.18

Release Date:May 28th, 2012

  • Improved the layout of the Image Gallery Component form.
  • Added a couple of new options to the Image Gallery Component: 'Space Between Thumbnails', 'Download Image Button'
  • Replaced the image slideshow viewer with a Galleria fullscreen slideshow.
  • Images can once again have links added to them, in the TinyMCE rich text editor.
  • In Firefox, the image resize handles now disappear when justifying an image in TinyMCE

Version 1.2.17

Release Date:April 18th, 2012

  • Fixed issue in which blog importing was not working on some accounts
  • Help dialogs now link directly to our knowledge base
  • Various bug fixes

Version 1.2.16

Release Date:March 30th, 2012

  • New Blog post editor
  • New Text Editor
  • Auto-Save feature for content editing
  • New method for adding and moving content blocks
  • Numerous bug fixes and optimizations

Version 1.2.15

Release Date:March 19th, 2012

  • Freemium package available to partners
  • Improvements to the user caching
  • Components are now grouped by category

Version 1.2.14

Release Date:Feb 16th, 2012

  • New image cropping and management tools!
  • Improved file management
  • Assorted bug fixes, enhancements and styling improvements


Release Date:Feb 7th, 2012

  • Error in Kappe Spinach theme stylesheet, css fixed
  • Transactions are now paged for partners
  • Non-flash uploader fixed for IE
  • Tiny MCE - Full-screen view removed as it was breaking in several themes
  • Font change not working in title styler ( IE8 ) has been fixed
  • API to allow partners to create components, contact us for new API documentation
  • Title styler now closes after save


Release Date: Jan 10th, 2012


  • Theme selection is now done with the add theme button only
  • Added partner specific themes


Release Date: Nov 15th, 2011


  • New font style editor
  • Added partner specific themes
  • API documentation updated
  • Added Youtube link to Jigsy front page
  • Added Rapid SSL badge


Release Date: Nov 2nd, 2011


  • Partner API now returns a primary_host_id field in these API methods: /website/*, /account/ID/websites
  • New Partner API method: POST /website/ID/apply_theme_by_id
  • Text changes to the signup form

Version 1.2.11

Release Date: Oct 6th, 2011


  • New signup theme selection
  • Recaptcha removed
  • Changes to toolbar, renaming and ordering of items
  • Featured websites slideshow
  • Replace outdated video with screenshots on
  • Add collapse component button in tool bar


  • File Manager aesthetic issue - long collection names
  • unauthenticated content on
  • first-time website create help tooltips broken
  • Website not found - try it for free not working
  • Password protected pages, protecting additional similar page names

Version 1.2.10

Release Date: Aug 30th, 2011


  • New toolbar

Version 1.2.9

Release Date: Aug 12th, 2011


  • Failboat when creating e-mail addresses - password insufficient
  • Meta Tag Added for IE9 to fix issue with layout
  • Typo on Password protection/locked pages


  • Increase free trial period from 1 to 3 days.
  • Allow Partners to have a "blog" link in their main nav.
  • Pricing matrix.

Version 1.2.8

Release Date: July 20th, 2011


  • Components will keep the correct order.
  • Account API now prevents creating multiple accounts with the same email.
  • Form fields which are marked as required, can be marked as optional
  • Users no have the option to renew their email manually.
  • Changing package levels in no longer causes issues with users in

Version 1.2.7

Release Date: June 15th, 2011


  • Navigation component hover menus are now working
  • Insert button no longer missing when adding image / blog post in IE9
  • Form component CAPTCHA now appears
  • Orthrus exception mailer now points to new development team
  • Valid feeds are now discovered properly and can be added
  • IE9 can now drag and drop components and use the site builder
  • Top IP Addresses are now displaying content as usual
  • Image gallery titles are now showing
  • Adding a component which uses tiny_MCE no longer throws a javascript error and prevents other components from being added
  • IE9 no longer fails with a javascript error on certain themes


  • Add a border around the textarea in the HTML/Javascript dialog

Version 1.2.6

Release Date: May 17th, 2011


  • Some trial accounts were not being deactivated.
  • Some partner's html/css could not be updated
  • The gamertag component would break page rendering
  • Members were being emailed about their trial period ending, after having upgraded.
  • Support ticket email for users contained a mangled link in Mac Mail
  • User country flags were being shown as a broken image in some places
  • Creating more than one user account note at a time created duplicate notes
  • Ticket attachments were limited to 64kb file sizes.
  • Deleting a large number of accounts crashed the page.
  • A javascript error in IE6/7 broke page rendering
  • Adding an image from an external location broke IE page rendering
  • CityLights themes had some mangled html which broke page rendering in IE
  • The youtube component did not work in IE
  • The image component carousel did not work in IE7
  • Important cron jobs were timing out halfway through and not completing.


  • Pages for Trial and Free accounts are not indexed for 14 days.
  • Account registration is limited to 20 signups per day, per ip address
  • Accounts can now be "canceled", which is an intermediate step between Suspending and Deleting an account.
  • Admins can now view "associated accounts", cross referencing accounts by signup ip address and email address.
  • .html, .htm, and .xhtml file types are now unable to be uploaded through the user's file manager.

Version 1.2.5

Release Date: April 11th, 2011


  • Fixed issue where eBay component shows incorrect listing expiration times.
  • Fixed load jquery first alert error
  • Fixed image editing - custom crop, maxsize is (1000px x 1000px)
  • Fixed Fail boat when partner tries to create a new promotion
  • Fixed migration script for primary_editing on hosts table
  • Fixed issue with primary_host_ids set to nil
  • Fixed issue with Suspend/Unsuspend warning message in reseller user management
  • Fixed form validation with domain registration
  • Fixed branding issue, new templates now have 'Powered by Jigsy'



  • Faster page loading

Version 1.2.4

Release Date: March 23, 2011




Version 1.2.3

Release Date: March 10, 2011

  • Viviti was rebranded to Jigsy in this release

Version 1.2.2

Release Date: January 18, 2011


  • Fixed a bug that caused some help links to not load.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't allow scrolling to work properly inside the file manager
  • Fixed an issue with branding inside of the initial theme selection dialog.
  • Fixed an issue with the package selection API for partners.


  • Added Ecwid shopping cart components! Users can now add product listing component, product search component, and product category component to anywhere on their website!
  • Added the ability to search for files in the asset manager.


  • New user interface changes to file manager
  • Improved IE compatibility across the entire builder.
  • Improved reliability of Facebook components in the event that Facebook does not respond.

Version 1.2.1

Release Date: November 8, 2010


  • Fixed a bug that caused email DNS records not to get reset when using the 'Reset DNS' option for a domain name.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an error when attempting to edit an image in the Visual Editor if the border was set to 0px.
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused an error when the alternative text of images contained quotes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused custom themes to sometimes not get applied properly.
  • Fixed a bug that mishandled invalid protocols in the Feed Component and Blogroll Component.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some help content to not load.
  • Fixed a style issue that allowed some themes override table styles in editor dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't submit comments after a validation error.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented multiple form field items to be added to a Form Component without reloading the dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't set the copyright on site creation.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't properly filter assets when scrolling.



  • Speed improvements to the theme selection dialog.
  • Improved image border options to make it easier to understand.
  • E-mail no longer required for comments.

Version 1.2

Release Date: October 12, 2010


  • Fixed an issue where the wrong dialog tab would open when attempting to edit original sized images in the Visual Editor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused styles to be lost when modifying the alignment or border of images in the Visual Editor.
  • Fixed a bug handling the scenario where a Facebook account is linked, but not visible.
  • Fixed a bug that put youtube videos above the toolbar. Doesn't update existing youtube components.



Version 1.1.8

Release Date: July 28, 2010


  • Fixed a bug on signup that incorrectly said a password was too short after submitting the form.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the Find Address button on the Google Maps Component.
  • Added missing primary navigation to the theme Idyllic.


  • Added the ability to add and remove an auto-responder from your email addresses.
  • Added the ability to setup email forwarders for your email addresses.


Version 1.1.7

Release Date: July 19, 2010


  • Fixed a problem with Internet Explorer throwing an error dialog when replying to a ticket.
  • Fixed a bug where Chrome/Safari would render javascript if replying to a support ticket twice in a row.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an error when attempting to login incorrectly too many times.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing users to not be able to insert a second image in the content areas sometimes.



  • Automatically downcases email address when creating it to avoid unnecessary errors.
  • Improvements for resellers and cobrand partners.

Version 1.1.6

Release Date: July 12, 2010


  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused spam filtering to hang when checking comments.
  • Fixed a bug in the audio player that doesn't initially recognize selected collections.
  • Fixed javascript error when opening Flickr, Asset, or Youtube dialogs when within the Visual Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with Chrome/Safari throwing an error and removing the selected image when attempting to edit it.
  • Fixed an issue with Internet Explorer not going to the right dialog tab when editing an internal image in the Visual Editor.
  • Fixed an issue causing an error to occur occasionally when editing theme resources or replacing theme images.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the dialog to jump around when clicking on an image in the Visual Editor in Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the alignment of an image to revert back to its original position in the Visual Editor when switching to HTML mode.


  • Ability to easily set border sizes and colors on images in the Visual Editor.


  • Approving or marking multiple comments as spam should now be occur much quicker.
  • Better CSS class names for the body tag on dynamically generated pages (for advanced theme customization).
  • Tweaks to dropspot UI to help make it more clear where components get dropped.
  • Creating a new select option in the Form Component now immediately places focus the text box, eliminating the need to click before typing.

Version 1.1.5

Release Date: June 29, 2010


  • 'More by this author' link in theme browser fixed.
  • When changing the page title, the change is reflected immediately now.
  • Search filter no longer gets lost when changing sort order in theme gallery.
  • Improved validation for external domains.
  • Disabled ability to delete external domains after email is setup (causes problems if you do).
  • A problem with the Image toolbar in Visual Editor has been fixed so that it now works in all browsers when clicking the edit button.
  • Fixed a bug introduced by last release causing issues changing page layouts.
  • Updated Digg Component to work with changed response in the API from Digg.
  • Stopped blog posts from erroring when trying to post to Facebook after arbitrary FB limits have been reached.



  • Extra markup in the Form Component for more flexibility in styling.
  • Support ticket system improvements.
  • Image website headings now link to the home page.
  • Added the ability to order email at the same time as domain names.

Version 1.1.4

Release Date: June 9, 2010


  • After changing website heading type, going back to edit it will properly show the correct by default.
  • Avatar setting in comment settings properly shows the correct setting.



  • Theme browser shows new themes first.
  • Viewing page stats is now quicker.
  • Further improved handling of Facebook issues when their servers are not responding correctly.
  • Embeded javascript code is now allowed in the Custom Component.
  • When selecting a gif file to insert into Custom Component, the size will default to original size to preserve animations.
  • New anti-spam measures for Blog comments.

Version 1.1.3

Release Date: May 17, 2010


  • Fixed a bug preventing users from setting their initial host as the primary host, after changing it.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the adding of filenames with apostrophes in them in the visual editor.
  • Fixed display issues in themes EcoBusiness and EcoBusiness Cafe.
  • Fixed an issue that would leave an empty box in the Form Component editor after clicking cancel when adding a new item.



  • Improved page generation and load time.
  • Improved first time help/intro, added mini tutorial.
  • Improved email account setup speed.
  • Page stats no longer track 404s.
  • Improved anti-spam measures.
  • Comments on blog posts are now paginated with 100 comments per page.
  • Dialogs will always ensure save buttons are in the viewport on smaller screen resolutions.

Version 1.1.2

Release Date: April 28, 2010


  • Bug causing Audio Player Component to always auto-play has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Blog Archive Component to not respect the displayed limit setting on some themes.
  • Fixed layout issues in the page settings dialog.
  • Issue with quotes in metatags resolved.
  • Fixed a bug in the Video Player Component that muted audio when using auto-play.
  • Fixed a bug that caused slow loading the Audio Player Component for some users.\
  • Fixed a bug that caused the enter key to not work in the domain search form.


  • Email services are now available!
  • Designer directory added, for people who want a professionally designed website.
  • The Image Gallery Component how has a new view option. View your images in a click-through carousel.
  • The carousel option of the Image Gallery Component now has a slideshow option and an option to display titles.
  • Ability to make Navigation Component group labels link to internal pages.


  • Improvements to customization options for resellers.
  • Domain name tools will show up all the time to avoid confusion, previously was hidden on trial/free plans.
  • Video Player Component play button now has a hover effect.
  • Themes can now have more than 9 locations.
  • Unpublished pages will no longer show up in the Primary Navigation and Navigation Component.
  • Comment spam improvements.

Version 1.1.1

Release Date: March 29, 2010


  • Fixed an issue that caused pages to be available at their old url for awhile after renaming the page.
  • Usernames with spaces in them now work correctly on the Friendfeed Component.
  • Improved error handling when responses from Facebook and Twitter's are invalid/broken.
  • Fixed errors when adding an external image that is taking a long time to respond.


  • Themes no longer require heading, subheading, nav or copyright.. but they are still recommended!
  • Added Video Player Component. Play MP4 videos right on your website!


  • Customization options for reseller sites.

Version 1.1.0

Release Date: March 18, 2010


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Flash objects to be shown through a lightbox.
  • Fixed a bug that didn't restore components when previewing your site in the Website Builder.
  • Fixed a bug that in the Audio Player Component that displayed a blank title if the file contained no ID3 values for title and artist.



  • New icons for social networking.
  • You can now display share icons for blog posts on Facebook and Twitter.
  • You can now display the comment text on the Blog Comment Component.
  • Blog Archive component now has an option to truncate the list, with a link to display the full list.

Version 1.0.x

Release notes for 1.0.x releases are available on the Releases 1.0.x page.